Chairman Hiralal Yadav
Sahil shikshan Samiti Raigarh

Description and role of trustee.

Vice Chairman Shrichandra Yadav
Sahil shikshan Samiti Raigarh

Description and role of trustee.

Secretary Seema Yadav
Sahil shikshan Samiti Raigarh

Description and role of trustee.

Vice Secretary Ranjeet Yadav
Sahil shikshan Samiti Raigarh

Description and role of trustee.

Principal Nilachala Majhi
Aryan World School Raigarh

Description and role of trustee.

Treasurer Arvind Yadav
Sahil shikshan Samiti Raigarh

Description and role of trustee.


We are proud to be known for making education the most affordable and scalable of people of all walks in the city of Raigarh. We live in an interconnected and intricate world that is transitioning at an unprecedented pace. Crafting our children with precision and clear vision is important to succeed in this challenging environment that entails a flexible and real-world-based approach to education.

We ensure we house the best faculty from the most educated state of India, for achieving our established vision for tomorrow in your children. We believe the our school community of learners; teachers, students, and parents get an incredible opportunity to examine change, explore the interconnectedness of issues, and develop a global perspective.